Quality Policy
- Individual laboratory investigations are not conclusive and are professional opinions so should be used along with other relevant clinical examinations to achieve a final diagnosis. The laboratory investigation results depend on the sample’s quality and the assay procedures used.
- Partial reproduction of this report is not permitted.
- In case of collected specimen(s), from a referral Centre, It is presumed that patient demographics are verified and confirmed at the point of generation of the said specimen (s).
- histopathology specimen(s)/ sample(s) will be preserved for 15 days from the testing date, whereas slides & bocks for 1 year. another clinical specimen sample (s)will be discarded as per retention criteria.
- A test requested might not might not be performed and/or many need to be repeated for the following reasons.
- Quantity of specimen received is insufficient (QNS) for performing the test requested.
- Quality of specimen received is unacceptable (haemolysed/clotted/lipemic).
- Prerequisites for certain tests are not adhered to.
- In any of the above instances, a fresh specimen must be sent to report the same parameter(s).
- Tests are performed as per the test schedule given in the test listing.
- In case of any discrepancy of result or clinical contradiction, the test can be repeated on the same sample without additional cost.